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Accueil > Svalbard > Spitsbergen > Longyearbyen
Svalbard Church
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Les informations suivantes sont disponibles pour Svalbard Church:

Svalbard Church is located at Longyearbyen in Svalbard, Norway. It is the world's most northern church.The first church at Longyearbyen was consecrated on August 28, 1921. During World War II, it was bombed, and the church burned down. In 1956, the foundation stone for the new church was laid down. The architect was Hans Magnus. The church was consecrated on August 24, 1958. The church is built of wood, is of rectangular plan, and has 140 seats. The original altar candlesticks in silver together with the baptismal bowl, which was a gift from King Haakon VII and Queen Maud, are currently in place in the new Svalbard church.The church is part of the Church of Norway. The parish belongs to the Diocese of Nord-Hålogaland. There is a minister and two other employees. There is no other church on Svalbard, but there is a Russian Orthodox chapel in Barentsburg. The minister visits other communities on Svalbard: Svea, and Ny-Ålesund.


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